San Francisco Giants: CROIX DE 2017

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - APRIL 10: Fan enter the ball park and receive calendars prior to the start of a major league baseball game between the Arizona Diamondbacks and San Francisco Giants on opening day at AT
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - APRIL 10: Fan enter the ball park and receive calendars prior to the start of a major league baseball game between the Arizona Diamondbacks and San Francisco Giants on opening day at AT

VENI-VIDI-VIXI! The San Francisco Giants season is finally coming to an end. 

As everybody knows, if you stayed all the way until the end of an extra-inning night game at Candlestick Park, you got a ‘COIX DE CANDLESTICK’ pin. It was the pin of a true, diehard Giants fan. It meant that you braved through arctic conditions at Candlestick Park until the bitter end.

It sounds somewhat similar to this season. Sure, AT&T Park is not the same frozen and empty tundra that Candlestick was, but fans who watched the entirety of this season deserve a little something for their time and trouble.

Actually, if you think about it, we have endured a lot at the ballpark this season. A 17-inning game, 100-degree weather and a rain delay that kept us at the ball park until 2 a.m. We went through all of that, and at the end, it is going to result in anywhere between 97 and 100 losses.

After Sunday, we can all give ourselves a pat on the back, because we will have all made it through this sad season that we have waited so long to finally end.

More from Around the Foghorn

I know it’s a lot to ask to make 70,000 pins and ship them from wherever they are made to San Francisco in just 48 hours, but the Giants need to find a way to give a ‘CROIX DE 2017’ pin to every single fan who enters the ballpark on Sunday, and to every season ticket holder.

As bad and depressing as this season has been, we need some sort of symbolic gesture to commemorate it.

As true, diehard Giants fans, we need something to remind ourselves that we made it all the way through.

We need something to remind ourselves in our next 90-loss season, whenever that may be, that “yeah, it may suck now, but it can certainly be much, much worse.” Unless the day comes when the Giants challenge the 1962 Mets.

Next: What I Want to See From San Francisco Giants in Final Series

Anyway. Congratulations, Giants’ fans! We made it through! Now, let’s never speak of this season again.
