Making Predictions? Here’s the History You Want to Know

I wonder if anyone clicked the link. Will anyone read this? I mean, I type “history” and everyone squirms and thinks of their high school days, and then their awkward relationships with that/those boy(s)/girl(s) that was/were not even good enough for them, and then before you know it you’re reliving the worst of your high school days and sitting on your couch with a half gallon of cookies ‘n cream ice cream using only your hands to eat it. Enough about me though, let’s talk about baseball history. When people make their postseason predictions sometimes they do it because they want to see certain matchups, whether it be revenge (perhaps Rangers fans), or your team has consistently beat up on another team in the World Series (perhaps Yankees fans), or you want to pair up teams that have never played each other before (perhaps people picking the Nationals). Even if your story doesn’t fit in with any of the categories I mentioned, I looked up if/when the American League teams ever played any of the five National League teams in the Fall Classic, and if they did, marked the year they met up, whether the AL team won or lost, and what the game count was when it was all said and done.

Geez, Yankees and Giants, get a room already. And yes, that’s a tie in the 1922 World Series, and a fifth win in the 1921 WS.

If you can’t remember there being a Bay Bridge Series in 1913, it’s because the A’s were in Philadelphia at that time.

Those Tigers and Cardinals just can’t get enough of each other, can they.

Half of me feels bad for the Rangers and the other half doesn’t. I’ll let you guess which side feels what between my Giants fan-side and my baseball fan-side.

This makes it seem like the Orioles never go to the World Series. They did, just not against four of the five of these teams.

It would not surprise me to see a lot of Yankees-Nationals predictions out there because they’re both the #1 seeds in their respective leagues, so why not, they earned that prediction. An all black-and-orange World Series would be cool, and if the Giants aren’t involved, A’s-Cincy would have a good old time feel to it. I wonder how everyone else is feeling about seeing the Tigers in the WS, or even the Braves in the WS, but anyway, what’s important, as I close this one up, is now you are a baseball historian master as you get ready to fill in your postseason bracket(s) and you loved this article and plan on sharing it with your friends. End of story.