Giants Beat Errors And Astros In Same Night

Roy Oswalt did what Roy Oswalt always does. Throw a good game. Tim Lincecum did what Tim Lincecum always does. Throw an excellent game despite the defensive lapses that Giants had.

The Giants were charged with three errors on the day, extremely odd since they came into the game leading the league in defense. Edgar Renteria, Pat Burrell, and Lincecum himself were all charged with a botch of the ball but the Giants avoided a should have been loss with some late inning clutch hitting. Burrell singled in the top of the 7th, plating Aubrey Huff to tie the game at one. Pablo Sandoval then came up with runners on the corners and one out (you’re thinking double play, aren’t you? YOU ARE! WELL YOUR WRONG!!!)…and promptly hit into a double play. GOTCHA!! Well, he should of at least. A soft grounder to second base made the turn nearly impossible and Sandoval beat out the back end which scored Uribe and gave the G-men the lead. The Giants tacked on one more in the top of the 9th thanks to a Nate Schierholtz single before Brian Wilson came in to shut the door. The Giants are now a shocking 7-0 versus the Astros this year. By no stretch are the Stro’s some world beater, but, being 7-0 against any team is pretty impressive.

Also of note, without Buster Posey at first tonight, Bochy moved Sandoval over to first, Uribe to 3rd, and Rent to SS – and it was….”adventurous”, for a lack of better terms, especially with the water buffalo’s manning the corner outfield slots. I have a feeling our grip on best defensive team in the National League might be quickly fading if that defensive lineup returns. Between Uribe’s desire to charge every ball hit towards him at third and Sandoval’s drunk uncle balance at first, you have to imagine Ron Wotus is doing his best Leo Mizzoni on the Giants bench. At least Freddy Sanchez has been excellent at second. His unassisted double play tonight to get the Giants out of a bases loaded jam, along with Sandoval’s stretch at first really might have saved the game. The Stro’s were set up to go large. And in all seriousness, I’m not really trying to crap on Uribe or Sandoval’s effort – they always give it their all. It’s just a little nerve wracking watching them play outside their normal positions. Almost like sitting in the waiting room at the clinic….THAT’S A LOW PRICE.

And if you need more reason to like Juan Uribe (other than his THATS A LOW PRICE screaming with Sandoval)…according to Baggs, Uribe drowned himself in some cologne prior to hitting the field tonight. You never know when you’re going to fall into the stands I guess. Classic Uribe, classic.