Hope To See Buster Posey Soon?

Then I suggest you make a trip to Fresno and watch the Grizzlies.

According to uber dumbass General Manager Brian Sabean, the Giants have no intention of calling up Posey anytime soon and might not call him up until the rosters expand (which I doubt, but…). Which I find a bit suspect since they’ve had Posey playing first base twice in the last week and the “reasoning” given as to why Posey is to stick in AAA is because they want him to work on his catching defense and calling games. Which, obviously, is easier to learn while playing first base. Wait…what?

Now honestly, holding Posey down makes sense in regards that you have Molina at the backstop and well, he’s got the personality of a 4 year old child who has no intention of putting the team first.

Listen, I like Bengie. He seems like a nice guy. A really nice guy, to be honest. But he’s a child. He struggled to find a deal this past offseason and came running back to the Giants who he more or less threw under the bus a few months prior when the Giants struck out on other catching free agents. He’s struggling horribly on the offensive end and hampers the Giants in so many ways from his inability to throw out runners to smacking a would be double and he’s not even rounding first by the time the ball is back in the infield. The Giants have a major problem with station to station baseball and it starts with Bengie. When he does get on base, unless the Giants can string three more base runners in succession, Bengie ends any rally before it starts thanks to his speed. Now, is this all a fault of Bengie? No. If he was hitting 8th, like most catchers, it wouldn’t be such a problem…but when he’s hitting in the 4th slot, it puts an anchor on your offense.

Molina has repeatedly said he has zero interest in “teaching” Posey and being a backup (classy) and obviously has no desire to put the team first. There really isn’t much reason for Molina to play some games at first (move Huff to the outfield if need be) and split time with Posey behind the dish.

I understand Sabean’s motive to keep Posey in AAA since riding the bench 5 or 6 days out of the week isn’t beneficial….but sometimes, you have to grab the bull by the horns. Molina will not be a Giant next year. His attitude is crappy….and he constantly whines. I really don’t care if he’s unhappy….it’s for the better of the Giants that he split time.