For those that have attended San Francisco Giants games abroad, you know just how exhilarating it is coming away with a win on someone else’s home-turf. Here are 4 Destinations on the Schedule that you MUST try and make.
The San Francisco Giants are well-known for their road contingent along the west coast. But in reality, a weekend trip to San Diego, Los Angeles, or even Arizona isn’t that far out-of-the-way. Have you been to Wrigley Field yet? Maybe even Atlanta?
If you are a Giants fan with an itch to travel, then this piece is for you. If you are still contemplating a summer road-trip, this piece is for you! If you go to college, or are geographically removed from the ability to attend AT&T Park, this piece is for you!
We’re going to take a look at four road-trips the Giants will be making, that you yourself need to make along with them. Some of them are rare road-trips, to opponents that don’t appear on the schedule every so often. Some are frankly because of a shiny new toy (if you don’t know who the only team in the league getting a new ball-park next year is, then you’ll just have to wait).
None of these are ranked in order of importance necessarily, they’re just place you need to go visit, and take in a Giants game.
We’ll look at sites to see in the city, the average cost of a game ticket, top food places to eat (affordable) and what the stadiums have to offer in the way of food and other attractions. Get out your budget book, or pull up a booking agent in another tab and get planning as we dive in to the road-trips you need to take this year!